50 Years Of Experience On What Highly Successful Traders Do – Show Notes
In episode 116 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I interview Barry Burns, a trader, and educator at Top Dog Trading. He came on the podcast to share the experience gained from over 50 years in the market. He has amazing insights on what highly successful traders do to succeed on a daily basis.
What's Covered In This Episode
- The difference between successful and unsuccessful people [1:30]
- Barry Burns' trading style with 7 monitors [3:40]
- How Barry started to trade with his father 50 years ago [5:54]
- A powerful method to understand what happens in the market [10:15]
- The lessons Barry learned early on that can be applied today [11:25]
- The transition to trading with computers [12:40]
- The process of getting feedback on your trading [16:00]
- The uncommon things most traders do wrong [19:15]
- Trade setups & strategies Barry Burns relies on [20:43]
- How many trades Barry takes in a day by trading 3 hours/day [31:40]
- How Barry Burns manages life & day trading (time management advice) [38:10]
- Trading the open vs. trading later during the day [41:44]
- What highly successful traders are willing to do others don't (POWERFUL ADVICE) [45:20]
More About Barry Burns
Dr. Barry Burns started his study of the markets under the direction of his late father, Patrick F. Burns, who accumulated 70 years of trading experience in his lifetime.
Barry is also the author of the book Trend Trading For Dummies published by Wiley. He has been seminar presenter for several exchanges including the CME Group and Eurex, & founded Top Dog Trading, to help students shorten their learning curves in becoming traders.
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Resources Mentioned
Desire To TRADE Top Resources
- DesireToTRADE Forex Trader Community (free group!)
- Complete Price Action Strategy Checklist (free checklist!)
- One-Page Trading Plan (free template!)
- DesireToTRADE Academy
How To Find Barry Burns?
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