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This Is How You Become A Successful Trader – Show Notes
In episode 128 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I interview Tom Constable & Brandon Turner from Two Blokes Trading.
This is a special “double” episode in which we dive in both of my guests' stories.
Tom started to interview traders in order to understand how he could become successful himself. He is in progression to become a profitable technical Forex trader.
For his part, Brandon, who now trades full-time, has over 10 years of experience in different roles within the trading industry. He is mainly a fundamental trader.
The cool part of this interview is you'll get to see what both Brandon & Tom did before reaching the point they are at today. Aside from being complete jokers (the funniest I've seen), they can be great inspirations…
More About Tom Constable
He is an ex-Army Officer, Ron Zacapa rum enthusiast, technical algo trader, cryptocurrency noob, recovering system chaser.
More about Brandon Turner
He is a full-time trader since 2006, Forex fundamentals and sentiment trader, closet vegetarian, allergies include technical indicators, suits, and getting rich quick.
Topics Covered In This Episode
- Brandon & Tom’s inspiring quotes [2:00]
- Brandon’s story (how he got a trading job) [3:15]
- How Tom started trading & documented his journey [8:10]
- How starting Two Blokes Trading helped Tome improve his trading [10:25]
- Brandon’s uncommon & profitable style of trading [11:38]
- How Brandon was able to test his edge in the market [17:40]
- How Brandon keeps track of his trades [23:45]
- How Tom adapted his trading to his personality style [25:00]
- How Tom struggled with S/R zones and how he overcame the subjectivity [29:50]
- What actions Tom took to become a much better trader [31:05]
- What Brandon see most traders do wrong in the market [35:00]
- The MAJOR shift I’ve made in my trading over the years [38:50]
- How to readjust your expectations of returns in trading [41:00]
- Habits essentials to succeed as a trader [43:50]
Resources Mentioned In The Interview
- Book: Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
- Trading Journal Software: Edgewonk
DesireToTRADE Top Resources
- Desire To TRADE Forex Trader Community (free group!)
- Complete Price Action Strategy Checklist (free checklist!)
- One-Page Trading Plan (free template!)
- DesireToTRADE Academy
How To Find Tom & Brandon?
What is one thing you are going to implement after listening to this podcast episode? Leave a comment below, or join me in the Facebook group!