Successful Trading Mindset Challenges (scale to $10,000/month)
In episode 154 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I am bringing back full-time day trader and psychology coach Mandi Pour Rafsendjani to discuss successful trading mindset challenges traders must face in order to reach the $10k/month mark.
This is a big number, but yet a goal that a lot of people want to achieve. I have seen these mindset challenges for myself that I had to push them away over time. They didn’t change in a day, they didn’t change in a week, but I had to work on those. If you aspire to get to the $10,000 mark per month, this is exactly what you have to work on.
I encourage you to listen to this carefully and make some notes on what you have to work on, then listen back in, let’s say, three months from now (90 days). Ask yourself what have you done, what have you improved on, and what can you work on. That will be amazing and that will be a great way to get value from this.
Watch the video interview here!
Topics Covered In This Episode
- Who Mandi is, what she does and why she’s here with us today
- The three types of traders
- The first successful trading mindset challenge
- The second successful mindset challenge
- The main worries and fears of traders
- Learning stuff for free, mindset number 3
- Using strategies and rules
- Placing trades based on strategy and your personality
- The fourth successful trading mindset challenge
- Trading on intuition versus hoping
- How we know our intuition is based on other factors
- The fifth mindset challenge
- Personal development
- Why putting all your capital in trading and taking all risks don’t work
- What people think if you're a trader
- How Mandi breaks down the root cause of any trading issues
- What you should take action on
Resources Mentioned
- SPONSORED: Shoot an email to Jerremy Newsome
- Demon Finder from Tom Dante
- Mandi’s Fierce 10 Challenge
DesireToTRADE Top Resources
- Desire To TRADE Forex Trader Community (free group!)
- Complete Price Action Strategy Checklist (free checklist!)
- One-Page Trading Plan (free template!)
- DesireToTRADE Academy (exclusive training program)
What is one thing you are going to implement after listening to this podcast episode? Leave a comment below, or join me in the Facebook group!