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Start A Hedge Fund, Trade $10 Million! – Show Notes
Felix Hartmann is a German-American Tech Entrepreneur, Futurist, and Trader. Hartmann serves as the Managing Partner of Hartmann Capital, navigating its flagship Hartmann Digital Assets Fund. He came on the podcast to share his tips & perspective to start a hedge fund.
Next to the hedge fund, Hartmann also founded Crypto Academy, one of the largest crypto trader and investor educational platforms and has since advised several blockchain projects. Hartmann is also a bestselling futuristic author and a leading voice on social media championing topics like blockchain, AI, and transhumanism.
Topics Covered In This Episode
- Who Felix Hartmann is and what he does
- How Felix Hartmann started in trading
- The importance of practice in trading
- Why Felix went into cryptos, his journey
- How Felix decided to open a hedge fund and got $10 Million to trade with
- Felix´s recommendations on starting a fund
- Top mistakes that traders make
- Felix's habits to stay at the top level of trading
- One of Felix's bad trades that changed things around for him
- Felix's biggest mistake in his trading for 2018
- Why Felix coaches new traders even now
- What are Felix's goals for the future and his main motivation for attempting those goals
- And many more!
DesireToTRADE Top Resources
- Desire To TRADE Forex Trader Community (free group!)
- Complete Price Action Strategy Checklist (free checklist!)
- One-Page Trading Plan (free template!)
- DesireToTRADE Academy (exclusive training program)
How To Find Felix Hartmann?
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