Develop Your Profitable Trader Mindset Today
In episode 349 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, Etienne sits down with full-time Forex day trader & trading psychology expert Mandi Pour Rafsendjani. We cover how to develop a profitable trader mindset starting today. You'll learn how to build the skills of a professional day trader.
Mandi Pour Rafsendjani is frequently coaching some of the most successful traders in the world and knows a lot when it comes to traders' mindset.
PRO COURSE by Mandi | 7 Ways To Stick To Your Trading Plan
Watch more videos on trading psychology with Mandi Pour Rafsendjani
Watch the video interview here
Topics Covered In This Episode
- [0:15] Introduction
- [0:31] Who is Mandi and what she does
- [2:08] What do traders struggle with within this type of volatile markets
- [9:10] How daily discipline habits help you be a better trader
- [13:25] How can you improve your self-image
- [20:58] Can you change your personality and behaviors to trade better?
- [27:32] What kind of struggles do successful entrepreneurs have when learning to trade
- [31:45] Do entrepreneurs try to look for shortcuts in trading?
- [33:50] Why delegation can be bad in trading in some cases
- [36:53] The difference between mindset and skillset issues for traders
- [37:58] How can you tackle your mindset issues
- [42:02] Where to find Mandi
- and much more
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- One-Page Trading Plan (free template)
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How To Find Mandi?
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