How To Get Funded $100k+ For Trading ft.The5ers Prop Firm
In episode 356 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I sit down with Saul Lokier full-time trader and general manager at The5ers prop firm. We discuss how traders can get funded by The5ers and scale up to $3.6M (currently the maximum capital you can get from this prop firm). You'll also learn from Saul's journey as a trader as well as the obstacles he had to overcome.
Take The5ers prop firm challenge (5% Discount on your 1st Evaluation)
Are you ready for it?
Previous interview with The5%ers
In This Episode, You'll Learn…
- [0:15] Introduction
- [0:47] Who is Saul and what he does in The5%ers
- [1:20] Why did Saul join The5%ers in the 1st place?
- [2:04] How isThe5%ers different from most other online “prop firms”
- [3:36] When should you look to become a funded trader
- [4:39] Saul's experience with other online prop “challenges”
- [6:16] Why 30-day time limits are bad for traders
- [7:36] Quick overview of The%5ers options for trader funding
- [10:33] How The5%ers makes money
- [11:07] Why the5%ers need profitable traders
- [11:34] How the new Freestyle program helps profitable traders
- [13:24] What is the maximum drawdown for funded traders
- [14:06] Why you don't need more than [1:30] leverage
- [15:19] How to choose the correct prop firm for you
- [17:16] Top tips to pass a prop firm evaluation and get funded
- [19:47] Why your trading strategy doesn't matter
- [20:27] Top habits from funded traders
- [21:55] How many funded traders are then in The5%ers
- [23:46] How prop firm traders inspire growth
- [24:32] How fast can you scale your funding with the5%ers
- [26:35] How can trading millions affect trader psychology
- [28:00] The importance of having a team for funded traders
- [2:57] Areas of improvement for The5%ers
- [30:44] Where to find Saul and The5%ers
- And much more!
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Where to find Saul Lokier!
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