Stefanie Kammerman: A Female Stocks Day Trader On Dark Pool Trading & Discipline
In episode 86 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I interview Stefanie Kammerman, a female stocks day trader and the founder of The Stock Whisperer Trading Company, a published singer/ songwriter, an educator, a coach, and a trader. Her fortunate journey in trading started back when she and her friend decided to attend a traders' event that led her to engage in trading, traveling, teaching and gaining more money.
More about Stefanie Kammerman
In just a year, she mastered the overnight trading system with the best traders and learned not to think about the money, but to only trade correctly. In fact, her first year of trading she won the trader of the year award. Now, she is popularly known as “The Stock Whisperer”, doing workshops, teaching beginners and veteran traders all over the world on how to swing trade through her online training room, The Java Pit.
Throughout this interview, Stefanie shows her love and passion to trade that makes her happy that she don't want to miss a single minute in trading and her priceless goal is to change people's live.
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Bullish above, bearish below, no thinking. @VolumePrintcess Share on X @VolumePrintcess's advice: Enjoy the process. Share on XIn This Episode, You'll Learn…
- How Stefanie came across trading
- What's behind dark pool trading
- $SPY: Massive Dark Pool Level
- Why (and how) institutions control the market
- The things that she learned that makes her a successful trader
- Transition: from a successful multi-trader to coaching and teaching career
- The key to spotting dark pools
- The suggested dark pool software to be used
- The key to giving you a successful win rate
- Factors you're going to look at when dealing risk
- How to identify the past and present market
- The advantage Stefanie has as a female stocks day trader
- The hardest part she noticed for new traders
- Patience: knowing when to enter and not to enter
- Testing and strategy to make more money
- The positive traits that are “must-haves” for traders
- And much more!
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