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Last week was far from being my best trading week. That’s why I’m doing a trading performance review… I was confident and ready at the beginning of the week, but things didn’t go slightly …

Whenever someone asks me what is missing them to become a successful Forex trader, I often reply that, without knowing it, they are most likely one decision away from getting the results they …
Forex trading strategy playbook

If you aspire to trade for a living, one day you’ll find yourself having multiple trading strategies or trading styles. The fact is that no single trading strategy can be used at all time. …
The Optimal Forex Trader Mindset That Might Make You Profitable

“Football is football and talent is talent. But the mindset of your team makes all the difference.” – Robert Griffin III With the Rio Olympics getting completed more than a week ago, one may …
Forex Trading Books

I get asked very often what are the books I recommend for Forex traders. The truth is, there are both good and bad Forex trading books out there. Sometimes, the best books aren’t …
The successful Forex trader blueprint

Is there a secret to going from where you are to becoming a successful Forex trader? I don’t think so. I do think, however, that the steps and actions you take will guide …
Live session with Andrew Menaker

Some background on Dr. Andrew Menaker? Dr. Andrew Menaker is a licensed clinical psychologist with a PhD in psychology. He is, in my opinion, the leading authority when it comes to trading psychology …
How to use your personality to become a better forex trader

Last week, I made a video in which I discussed the importance of adapting your trading to your personality and finding your own way to trade. I believe if you can use your …
Forex Trader Morning Routine

DRRRIIINNNGGG! DRRRIIINNNGGG! DRRRIIINNNGGG! Lacking a morning routine? Most people seem to have a really hard time waking up in the morning. It’s as if we’re resisting the idea of living another day to …

Getting in the optimal state before trading is crucial. In short, you must start your trading day the right way. In fact, the simple act of not being in the right state to …
trading psychology

At first, traders start the quest for the perfect trading strategy. Then at some point, the term Trading Psychology comes into their world. Without necessarily thinking about it, traders want to master trading …

2015 has been such an amazing year for me and DesireToTRADE. I started the Desire To Trade Podcast and interviewed awesome guests. By the end of the year, I have been able to …