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I like to bring positive vibes to trading. I want to inspire and educate traders around the globe. That makes me feel great. I get a lot of positive feedback. However, some people …
The Optimal Forex Trader Mindset That Might Make You Profitable

“Football is football and talent is talent. But the mindset of your team makes all the difference.” – Robert Griffin III With the Rio Olympics getting completed more than a week ago, one may …
Forex Trading Books

I get asked very often what are the books I recommend for Forex traders. The truth is, there are both good and bad Forex trading books out there. Sometimes, the best books aren’t …
Chris Claflin - Trader Who Dropped Out of School

Chris Claflin: A Futures Trader Who Dropped Out of School In episode 48 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I interview Chris Claflin, a Futures trader who dropped out of school to pursue a …
A Truck Driver Who Blew Up 9 Accounts To Become A Profitable Trader - Ryan Herron

Blowing Up 9 Accounts To Become A Profitable Trader – Ryan Herron Episode 37 of the Desire To Trade Podcast features Ryan Herron, a binary option and Forex trader that displays a lot of perseverance. …

As I was sitting in a coffee shop on a Friday afternoon in 2012, I started chatting with guy. As part of a group of entrepreneurs, we exchanged what we were working on. I …

Charles Miles: Problems Preventing You To Succeed In Forex Trading Charles Miles is a struggling retail Forex trader turned professional, and former client now turned trading coach for Trade Empowered, a company specializing in creating …
7-Hour Forex trader

“Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.” – Jim Rohn Time is the most valuable resource we’ve got. What we do with our …

Getting in the optimal state before trading is crucial. In short, you must start your trading day the right way. In fact, the simple act of not being in the right state to …

2015 has been such an amazing year for me and DesireToTRADE. I started the Desire To Trade Podcast and interviewed awesome guests. By the end of the year, I have been able to …
podcasts I listen to

As of January 2015, around 17% of American listened to podcasts. Although it is still a small number to me, it almost doubled since 2008. At the time, only 8% of American tuned in …
difficulties in trading

Beginning traders often face hard times when starting to trade. Whether they trade on a live or demo account, the difficulties faced by different new traders are often the same. I’ve made a …