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I conducted a poll on YouTube a few weeks ago. Trading discipline was what most responded they needed the most. As a result, I recorded this video to share how to improve trading …

Day Trader Mastering Forex, Stocks, and Options In episode 298 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I sit down with full-time day trader Chris Capre. We discuss a variety of topics that will …

In this Forex trading vlog, I share my thoughts on creating your own trading strategy and why that’s important if you want to become a successful trader in the years to come. This …

After scrolling online through all these “Forex trading coaches” telling you to get a coach… You might feel like you’re missing out without getting a coach. Truth is, hiring coaches for trading in …

Are you looking to trade support and resistance zones? Or maybe you want to improve your trading results by picking the right zones in the market? I prepared a video for you teaching …

For the past 3 years, I’ve traded and traveled all around the world. Contrary to other traders, I don’t carry external monitors or stuff that’s not helping me work better. But I make …

In this video, let’s discuss adopting a probability mindset in trading, a very important Forex trading psychology lesson that you must master if you aspire to trade for a living. Stick to your …

Forex Trader Achieved Ultimate Financial Freedom In episode 297of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I sit down with full-time Forex trader Jason Graystone to discuss his progress in trading over the past few …

In this video, I discuss a method I learned from trading psychologist Brett Steenbarger for learning from your Forex trading losses. This works extremely well if you are a trader who tends to …

In this video, I share a simple guide as to when to become a full time trader. I go through 3 things you must do before jumping into full time trading. 📈 FREE …

In this Forex trading vlog, Etienne shares his toughest moments through his full-time trading career. He explains the 3 times where he almost gave up and what that taught him about becoming a …

In this Forex trading vlog, Etienne shares the real reason why you lose money trading Forex. This has nothing to do with using the wrong trading strategy or technical analysis. Watch the video …