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Trading Professionally

“What Successful Traders Have In Common” In episode 263 of the Desire To Trade Podcast,  I sit down for a trader interview with Brad Jelinek, the host of the Trading Life Podcast. Brad …

Trade The Process, Results Will Follow In episode 257 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I interview full-time Forex trader Ali Crooks. Background on Ali Crooks:Having been trading since 2002, Alli has worked …

Scaling Up Trading With A Business In episode 254 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I interview full-time trader and business owner Siam Kidd. He shares how he’s been able to create financial …

In this Forex trading vlog, I share with you my tips on how to keep your funded Forex trading account. Vlog #556 FREE Training: How To Get Funded & 50x Your Trading Capital! …

In this Thailand Forex trading vlog, I share with you the differences between trading for a prop firm and starting your private fund and what may be better for you. Vlog #552 📈 …

Every Trader Should Trade For An Investor A lot of people get into trading to make it their full-time income one day. That is most likely your case as well. Now, when you’re …

Why Aspiring Funded Traders Fail I talked recently with a prop firm and found out that 81% of traders fail the initial prop firm challenges. If you’re like me, you probably wonder: “what …

Passed FTMO & Got Funded (Success Story) In episode 249 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I interview funded trader Michal Biesek to talk about his trading journey and share how he successfully …

Have you ever aimed to make 15, 20, 50, or 100 pips a day? The number of messages I get on that topic is pretty insane. ​You might be thinking: “oh, if I …

  The reason most traders aren’t profitable is that they don’t treat trading as a business. This isn’t something new and I’ve covered the topic in-depth before. ​ Now, the reason most traders …

In this Bangkok Forex trading vlog, I show you exactly what you should do when your trades are almost at your take profit target. Vlog #543 I’m almost there – one of the …

Listen to the audio episode: (12:55) 0.75x 1x 1.25x 1.5x 2x 0:0012:55 247: Funded Traders Secrets for Success | Forex Trader Motivation Leave a ReviewApple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsShare Listen in a New WindowDownloadSoundCloudStitcherSubscribe on …