V241107 #
Changed entry to use ASK when entering a buy trade. This may result in entries that look like touched the MA but did not get triggered as the ASK price was not touching the MA.
V241209 #
Changed, Some inputs to filter trades by working hours and working days where changed so they are now only applicable in TimeFrames that make sense (EG. Working Hours restrictions will not be in place if execution TimeFrame is D1 or Higher)
V241210 #
Updated Text Definitions and Compiled with AVX2 Optimizations
V241211 #
Corrected an error that affected Point Value per lot calculations and Commission calculations into TP and SL.
V241212 #
Improved Trade Closed on TP and Trade Closed on SL detection.
Modified Telegram Notifications Screenshot size to be 1280×720 pixels in size to better match the Telegram maximum size for regular message images.
V241217 #
Changed Input related to allow new trades to separate to Allow New Buy trades and Allow New Sell Trades for more refined manual control.
Re-compiled with X64 (AM64) Optimizations to improve compatibility with MT5 on Mac OS devices.
V250219 #
Corrected input naming for Optimization section
Improved logging of dismissed OnTester Results
V250307 #
Modified the Additional Filters TimeFrame selector to use the current chart TimeFrame when Base/Execution TimeFrame (0) is used. This only affect cases where a MT5 TimeFrame that does not exist on MT4 is selected. Now the algo will use the TimeFrame correctly and still use the MT4 TimeFrame list for the higher TimeFrame allocation.
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