In this Q&A episode, I discuss how someone can be better at trading with a full-time job. That involves knowing how to best manage your time and implementing a few things to make sure you remain effective.
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2 Tips For Trading With A Full-Time Job
Most people starting off in Forex trading don't have the chance to trade full-time from day #1. Time to trade is compressed to a few hours after work or late at night.
The biggest challenge for aspiring full-time feeling stuck with the 9-5 is consistency. You can start implementing a trading routine today only to realize – in 3-4 weeks – that you can't sustain it because of additional work you didn't expect.
With that challenge, here are my 2 tips:
Establish A Solid Schedule And Block Off Time
The first to trade while having a full-time job is to spend some time planning how you'll spend your time. I discuss how I block time off in my calendar constantly. That is very important for me to stay focused.
Prepare, Trade, And Review Every Time
While it can be easy to show up, trade, and leave, that is a sure way not to move forward. As a trader of any kind trading with a full-time job, you must combine 3 major activities.
Even if you prepare or review for 5 minutes, that's still a good start!
The advice shared in my Facebook Live Q&As are based on my own experience and the interviews I had with multiple successful traders on the Desire To Trade Podcast.
What is one thing you are going to implement after listening to this podcast? Leave a comment below, or join me in the Facebook group!
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