My Forex Success Story (documentary of the travel part!)
In this Montreal Forex trading vlog, I share the recent part of my Forex success story. I document the past few months of trading Forex while traveling. Vlog #178.
I start this video quoting the advice of trader trading the most money that I've met. He said:
“Don't tell about your goals to anyone. Otherwise, you'll look like a fool if you don't achieve them.”
That's something I try to respect. Without sharing too many of my trading goals, I've been asked multiple times about my Forex success story. This video goes through the recent events…
I discuss the difference I have seen by trading the 4hr chart in combination with the daily chart. Trading the daily chart was an experiment that didn't lead to something very promising for the future. Hence why I am going back to the 4hr + daily charts. That's what trading foreign exchange is all about – experiments!
That's what trading foreign exchange is all about: experiments!
Subscribe on Youtube for a daily video!

This video is followed by an awesome day in family exploring a nice view spot in Montreal, Canada. That turned out to be also a long walk!
If you want to see what my “trade Forex while traveling” journey was like, head over the Youtube channel and scroll through the playlists!
Watch: TECHNICAL ANALYSIS TRICKS (where I detail my full trading strategy)
If you are aspiring to trade for other people while traveling the world, you might want to consider checking out the Desire To TRADE Academy where I’ll help you do precisely that!