Podcast Intervew Preparation

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What Listeners Say…

  • Content is great
    February 18, 2025 by No To UTI from India

    Great speakers and content. Seeing improvements in trading

  • The only trading podcast I need
    September 25, 2023 by TraderMikeM from Australia

    No matter how far into my trading journey I get I always enjoy Etienne’s podcasts for more knowledge, education, and motivation.

  • Top Trader Podcast
    September 24, 2023 by Christina From Dayton from United States

    There is only a few traders I follow. Etienne Crete is my number 1 follow and his podcast is the go to info to become a profitable trader. He has all the best traders on and the information is invaluable.

  • Game Changing
    September 23, 2023 by Lopes L’IDEAL from France

    Started my trading journey at the end of of the crypto bubble Loose a lot of money with trading gurus!! Struggling and Scrolling around YouTube I found Etienne and is interview with Chris Tate!! Tate said that markets are between your ears!! That was mind blowing!! I started looking at trading differently, from an psychological perspective I’ve listening to almost all the interviews, there is so much to learn!! I found where the best content is.. I really appreciate y Etiennes work It really changed my approach to trading and kept me away from a lot of struggles Most appreciated Etienne

  • Having an online Mentor
    September 23, 2023 by Tshego222 from South Africa

    This podcast channel (Desire To Trade) has taken me out of many dark moments in my head and made me feel like I’m not alone. Mandy, Michael and many others have been my coaches on this journey of mine and I’m thankful

  • Great FX podcast
    September 23, 2023 by Laurentiu81 from United Kingdom

    I’ve been following Etienne since the beginning and this podcast is priceless for the content it has and the knowledge it provides to aspiring traders. He has helped me tremendously in my trading.

  • Exactly what I needed..
    September 23, 2023 by Roxrocc from United States

    I recently purchased some of your courses and I’m really looking forward to learning more about the strategies. I’ve already since an increase in my trading skills from the through explanation of the mindset, changing my reaction when I lose a trade has been a game changer for me, and the business plan has been a very useful tool for me to reference daily. Previously, I was trading when emotional, distracted, and anxious but I’ve been able to use my checklist prior to entering trades and not be effected if I lose one- I cannot thank you enough and I’m super excited to get through the rest of the training videos- I also appreciate how you or your team is always available to ask for feedback or advice. I appreciate the podcast videos going along with your course as well. If you’re thinking about investing in the course, you won’t regret it! Thanks Etienne and team!

  • One of The Absolute Best in The Industry
    September 23, 2023 by Almoataz Ibrahim from Egypt

    I truly owe it to Etienne, and his interviews with top traders from around the world, for introducing me to numerous successful traders. Through his podcast, and YouTube channel, I got to gain a great deal of information on psychology and trading in general. I definitely recommend his podcast to all the people interested in developing their knowledge. His podcast is an indispensable companion for any aspiring trader.

  • Epic podcast, been with it since the very beginning
    September 23, 2023 by Maximshilo from Estonia

    When I was starting out 5 years ago, Etienne motivated and gave me a lot of insights and valuable information. The quality has only improved since. Always been a listener. thanks!

  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    September 23, 2023 by iamtintutay from Philippines

    Fantastic baby! Highly recommended!

  • Such Priceless Gems shared
    September 22, 2023 by Mariah Forex from Uganda

    I wanna Thank you so much Etienne for tirelessly and selflessly always sharing these gems with us. You outsource the best in this industry! People who have been trading for soo many years and have lots of experience. There's alot of knowledge shared in these interviews. It's priceless!

  • Thank you Etienne!
    September 22, 2023 by Saddi38 from Germany

    Hey, I want to thank you for your work. What I love most about your podcast is that in my opinion it got the most multidimensional trading podcast. Your podcast shows us all the facets of the trading world and help us develop in all aspects of life. Thank you !

  • Awesome
    September 22, 2023 by nmandazhi from Poland

    Thanks, to Etienne, this is my all-time favorite podcast!❤️

  • Best trading podcast ever!
    September 22, 2023 by AdamH2013 from United Kingdom

    Absolutely the best trading and mindset podcast out there! I listen to Etienne everyday at work, I re listen to the olds cause they are so good, and always look forward to a Monday when Etienne puts out a new episode!

  • Loved the episodes on mindset
    September 22, 2023 by RatRace83 from United States

    This podcast is amazing and really opened my eyes to seeing how important the psychological aspects of trading. I enjoyed Rande Howell so much I went and bought his traders state of mind ebook. I also really enjoyed “the successful mindset” with Jerremy Newsome who broke down how we have to stay level with whether we win or lose. Also I loved this approach of focusing on one stock. This podcast is so informative and is making me a better trader. If you want to get the real insight of what trading is really like. Look no further than this podcast.

  • Great Value
    September 21, 2023 by pp167865 from United States

    I listen to this podcast everyday during London and NY sessions. Great Value offered!!!

  • This is the only trading podcast you need!
    September 21, 2023 by Abz darryl from United States

    He speaks with experienced traders, that have gone through the grind and hard times of trading and are now successful. This podcast provides absolute encouragement, motivation and assurance to any trader out there, be it stocks, forex or crypto. I hope to make it as a successful trader with his motivation and encouragement and one day be on this podcast.

  • Great Mentor
    September 21, 2023 by Jono1! from United Kingdom

    I have been following Etienne Crete for over a month now I have been listening and watching some of his terrific interviews with fellow pro Traders , I highly recommend to follow this man great tips & insight into trading . PeAce John

  • A must listen for all retail traders
    September 21, 2023 by Lexlivingston from United States

    I’ve been listening to this show for over a year and it’s by far the best thing out there for any retail trader. These are real interviews with real traders who are successful in the industry. I’ve learned more from this podcast about good trading practices than all my other sources combined!

  • Mine of gold
    September 21, 2023 by Teddy VRX from Madagascar

    I couldn’t thank you enough Etienne for all the great value that you’re bringing to us for free. What I particularly appreciate is the authenticity of what you share. It is just how the trading really is, nothing less, nothing more. Thanks a lot. God bless you.

  • Very nice podcast
    September 21, 2023 by Kristoffer904 from Norway

    Very nice podcast with valuable information. I also bought a course from him a while ago. This is a guy you can trust in a business where there isnt many to be trusted 🙂

  • Flawless.
    September 21, 2023 by Mboy1000000000 from United Kingdom

    The Desire to trade podcast is simply fantastic in so many ways, Etienne is such an honest relatable host, and if there was any podcast to give someone a true reflection of the realities and the highs and lows of trading, this is it. This podcast has helped me through my darkest moments and mental health dark days knowing you can listen to someone who has been through the same things you’re going through, Etienne isn’t just a podcast host, he is a friend.

  • Best podcast
    September 21, 2023 by Fxwitcher from Germany

    Best podcast and YouTube channel specially for new traders

  • Verified Follower
    September 21, 2023 by Subscriber- verified from United States

    I follow Etienne Crete on all platforms. His podcasts are insightful, thought provoking, and packed with information. The quality of his guests along with his interview skills provide the listener with a depth of information that is above superficial common knowledge.

  • Best Investment
    September 21, 2023 by Shandra Weehawken from United States

    This podcast has been the best investment of my time. I’ve started trading just a few months ago and seemed to have a rocky road. Implementing tips from this podcast has made a tremendous improvement in my journey. Def recommend!

  • AWESOME WORKKKK!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    September 21, 2023 by nejdiei sjakx from Philippines

    Best podcast everrr!! Always waiting for new uploads.

  • Very exclusive content
    September 20, 2023 by Maximevaulch from Thailand

    I have listen a lot to Etienne's podcast and I have to say, I always wait for the next one. My trading have improved a lot as well as my psycology listenning ot his experience and advice. Keep up the good work.

  • The new market wizards type of podcast
    September 19, 2023 by Hkımfx from United States

    Tbh just priceless, Very diverse traders whether fundamentals trader or technical trader or both every type of trader got interviewed here.. Thank you Etienne

  • Mastering the Trading Paradigm
    September 18, 2023 by Mastering the Trading Paradigm from Canada

    Desire To Trade podcasts and videos are must listen/watch for serious traders at all levels. Episode 382, featuring highly successful traders, emphasizes the vital aspect of preparing your mind, body, and spirit for trading. It highlights that while anyone can learn the technicals of trading, self-mastery is key to becoming a successful trader. Etienne's podcasts and videos are exceptionally well-done, providing valuable insights for improving both your trading system and yourself. Highly recommend!

  • Fantastic Podcast
    September 18, 2023 by mpsmith85 from United Kingdom

    Desire to Trade podcast hits TP every time. Etienne is a great host and has great guests on every episode. His discussions are inciteful and you really take something out of each one. Keep up the good work.

  • The best trading podcast
    September 18, 2023 by Nistapolson from United States

    I’ve listened through a few podcasts and this is definitely the best one. No b.s. advice from real traders!

  • You’re the best
    November 25, 2022 by hupry from Nigeria

    I love your motivation compilation It really helped me

  • Fabulous Content
    September 26, 2021 by JayZ999 from Australia

    Thanks a lot for helping out removing mental blockage and helping me understand the market psychology and discipline how to trade. This knowledge is precious and unbelievable. Please keep up the great work. You have asked amazing questions to the people. Loved it …

  • Great content
    July 23, 2021 by CamALR from United States

    I love the episodes with Mandi as the psychology aspect is something I am very interested in. The host Ettiene actually lets her talk and explain unlike other podcasts where they don’t let their guests actually talk.

  • GREAT podcast
    December 9, 2020 by shank-a-podami from South Korea

    So much value. One of the best podcasts for traders!

  • Learning alot
    December 1, 2020 by iDanPlay from Canada

    I am a new trader in training and do not have the finances to spend on training. Trying to save that for funding my account. This channel has been very inspiring and i have learnt allot just listening to others. I am picking up key learning that i explore to train myself on. Thank you for this amazing way of informing and teaching.

  • Podcast guest
    August 1, 2020 by pete_greyswandigital from United States

    As a guest on this podcast, it was great to be interviewed. Etienne doesn’t just want talking points or to push an agenda, but to ask real questions that could benefit his listeners.

  • Amazing!
    June 2, 2020 by Kalpanator from Australia

    Thank you so much for this awesome podcast. I learn so much from all these pros you interview. Keep them coming!

  • Desire to trade
    March 30, 2020 by Niels Michielsen from Belgium

    Hello everyone, I am trading for 8 months now and I was stuggeling whit knowing if I am doing it well. So I know that you need to have a good mindset, strategy and a good risk management. I bought the course from Etienne Desire To Trade. It helped me a lot to know if I am doing the things good and what needs to change. so that I can take action and that I know I am doing it well. That I don’t waste my time. I also look to all podcasts of Etienne. They are great I learn a lot from them.

  • Great podcast valuable info
    February 1, 2020 by ammjam_ from United States

    This podcast actually has things that you can use in your trading. Great job

  • Enjoyable podcast
    November 5, 2019 by Phu L from United States

    Etienne really knows how to pull valuable information out of his guests. You can also tell that he has a great passion for trading in the way that he speaks about it.

  • Love it!
    July 7, 2019 by Carlisle Ha from Vietnam

    Fantastic channel. Reminds me of why I love trading and every traders should too.

  • Great information
    October 16, 2018 by Megan1brian2 from United States

    Being new to trading it’s very important to hear from different trading perspectives in an easily digestible format. Etienne does a great job of getting great information from all of his guests. The topics cover wide ranges which help you to format your own decisions on your trading path. Awesome work and thank you Etienne!!!

  • Brilliant!
    October 3, 2018 by KeenTrader from Australia

    Etienne, you're doing a fantastic job here. Love the well-rounded guests you have on, and how you ask the tough questions to get the best out of them. I can see why you're so successful at what you do.

  • Favourite trading podcast
    September 2, 2018 by Brent McDonald from Australia

    Etienne is such a great dude. He has a great way of interviewing traders. I’ve learnt so much from this podcast and really value his contribution to the trading community. Thanks Etienne. You’re a legend 🙂

  • awesome podcast
    August 26, 2018 by muhib29k from Australia

    I just love this podcast

  • A very unique approach...
    April 18, 2018 by fjfitzi from United States

    I enjoy Etienne’s format and how he combines his travels with trading...he has really put a lot of content out there for free and one resource I look forward to is his trading psychology series with Mandi. They both bring so much to the table and are very realistic in their approach to the subject. His interview skills are superior, allowing his guests to speak on the subject that they specialize in without feeling like he has to be talking over them or compete with his knowledge. I look forward to his podcasts and his videos and feel very fortunate to have him as a trading resource...and I really enjoy the travelogues as well!

  • Great podcast full forex
    April 18, 2018 by Aliblan from Canada

    How to learn from the others. Inspiring.

  • Inspirational
    February 16, 2018 by J and R and kids from United States

    I just recently started listening. The shows are inspirational and preparing me to explore Forex. It seems like the long-term horizon is the appropriate outlook for becoming a trader, so I look forward to catching many more shows in my trading journey.

  • Diamond in the rough!
    February 12, 2018 by Jawad K.C from United Kingdom

    Etienne is a star!!! The desire to trade podcast is a light guiding you through darkness. It literally helped me know who is out there in the trading education. The podcast provides you with excellent insight from bonafide trader with different trading styles. I am yet to finish listening to all the podcast, but each one I've listened to have been loaded with little nuggets of gold. I hope to meet him one day in my trading career. A big thank you to you and all your guests, Etienne.

  • If you are serious about trading this podcast is a MUST
    January 29, 2018 by Brandon.Turner from Canada

    I've been around the trading world for 11 years now, long before podcasts were ever a thing. I can safely say that if this podcast was around when I started learning it would have helped fast track my success 10 X. Always great interviews and high quality guests that know their stuff. If you are serious about having success in trading you need to listen this because there are so many useful insights from some of the most respected traders, industry insiders, and thought provoking financial experts out there. You can tell that Etienne is a genuine guy that actauly cares about helping traders achieve success.

  • Best forex podcast
    December 11, 2017 by sunnysobhani from Thailand

    I really enjoy these podcasts. Really helps me to understanding other traders game. Thanks

  • Great podcast for aspiring traders! Thank you!
    October 4, 2017 by Tony tonee from United States

    Love this podcast!

  • Love it!
    September 28, 2017 by Stylerboy93 from Germany

    Etienne is doing a great job! Interesting and entertaining podcast. Packed with helpful knowledge and compelling stories! Keep up the good work mate!

  • Very informative
    September 17, 2017 by Amateur trader 2016 from United Arab Emirates

    I got recently hooked on to this podcast and eager to listen to all of them. Very good effort on interviewing such brilliant people and covering important topics.

  • Awesome!!
    May 30, 2017 by khoiguy from South Africa

    Simply put this podcast was very informative taking one back to the basics. It’s always good to hear about other trader’s experiences where they started and the discipline they exercised Some of my key takes away 1.We tend to forget the basics and the importance of demo trading first in order to hone the skill set required before going live and not to rush into the market 2.The importance of practicing one style and method 3.When trying new strategies one must do it in demo 4.The section on creating a trading plan was helpful and the insight to just follow the rules and not to act based on what one feels. “The only thing that matters is the plan and we should operate in the plan. 5.Having multiple streams of income helps one to build the trading account Nice overview of crypto currencies and the risk/reward they carry Overall excellent and a must listen for beginner and seasoned trader

  • One of my favorites
    April 24, 2017 by GSD. Getting sh1t done. from South Africa

    This young man has interviewed some of the best in the business. Lots of great content for the aspiring and seasoned trader.

  • Awesome
    January 16, 2017 by The Bucketlist Trader from Botswana

    Insightful. Essential. Inspiring. A great, resourceful podcast both the total noob and the advanced trader will appreciate.

  • Great Podcast
    November 11, 2016 by Christian Seipel from Germany

    Thank you Etienne for providing this great podcast. Especially the mix of interview episodes with episodes where you provide information about strategies and other things like in episode 64 is very helpful.

  • My favourite trading podcast at the moment
    November 9, 2016 by GregLondon47 from United Kingdom

    So glad i discovered Etienne's podcast. He has great guests and extracts really good insights and advice from them which is perfect for aspiring traders. I'd also recommend his website and courses.

  • Really Useful Insights
    September 27, 2016 by sickofpasswords from United Kingdom

    Etienne does a great job interviewing and all of them have a great angle on trading. As always take away what you want from them and you glean a lot (from the real traders). Keep up the good work EC!

  • Great listen!
    September 21, 2016 by Shrek van der Chen from Netherlands

    What a treat to listen to so many experienced trader talking about their trading journeys. Keep the good work, Etienne!

  • Great learning
    July 22, 2016 by AdHis7 from United States

    I am hearing these episodes every day I am learning a lot of new things It would awesome if I can implement them 😛

  • Awesome podcast!
    June 4, 2016 by Bubbers1115 from United States

    I listen to Etienne's podcast as I go to and come home from work. It has so much valuable information to help a young trader grow as he interviews some really experienced traders that talk about their struggles and how they overcame them. I also got some good book suggestions from these great traders.

  • Excellent
    June 4, 2016 by Marcelo.si from United States

    Great resource for traders, Etienne asks good questions and guests are great choice.

  • Traders, tune up!
    May 24, 2016 by Yohay Elam from Spain

    Etienne provides very useful tips for traders, coming from his own experience as well as from other traders and analysts. Everything is well presented and fun to listen to.

  • Great Listen
    May 5, 2016 by Wishitworked all the time from United States

    Valuable information and entertaining dialog. Thank you for bringing such wonderful subjects and guests to the air.

  • great show
    May 1, 2016 by tradeDwave from United States

    ther interviewer asks good and relevant questions, interesting and cool

  • Excellent listen!!!
    April 4, 2016 by Options Master from United States

    Etienne is a blossoming trader and has great guests on. Love his candid dicsussions. Great for all levels of traders makes this a must subscribe podcast. Thank you.

  • Professional
    March 7, 2016 by Trent Hoerr from United States

    Etienne was a very professional and excellent podcast host. We spoke for only several minutes before hand and then he hit the record button. This provided listeners with unscripted from the heart answers. Etienne has attracted big names in the trading industry and I would recommend any trader to subscribe to his podcast.

  • Great podcast, I highly recommend
    November 18, 2015 by Miguel_Nieto from Canada

    Great interviews with different traders, I’ve learn a lot with the different topics.

  • My Own Review
    October 9, 2015 by etiennecrete from Canada

    Hey, I’m the host of the show. I really hope you will get valuable advice from this podcast. If not, let me know what I could do better! I’m enjoying the podcasting process!

  • great podcast
    October 5, 2015 by gibdi0n from Croatia

    Podcast is great. I love mindful trading and traders edge the most. Now I am listening to episode 7. Lot of people do not want to give review so just to let you know your podcast is great and I will follow it.

General Questions To Expect

  • What is one quote that you live by/that inspires you?
  • Introduction
    • What’s going on these days?
    • Why/How did you start trading?
    • How was the learning process?
    • How did you become a profitable trader?
    • Your worst trading mistake/failure
    • Your main trading style
    • Would you be willing to share your trading results publicly? If not, why?
  • Best advice you can give for traders
    • What did you need to become a profitable trader?
    • The main takeaway for the listeners
  • How can people find you?
  • Future plans/Announcements
    • What goals do you have for the future?
    • What keeps you motivated?
  • If you could give one sentence of advice on how to thrive as a trader, what would that one sentence be?
Note: the podcast isn't a place where you can do a sales pitch. Your primary goal should be to add value to the listeners. If you provide value, the listeners are more likely to want to learn from you.
Interviews are video-based. Make sure that your computer has a webcam or have an external one ready.

What I need From You

  • Make sure your webcam & microphone work well on Zoom
  • A professional picture of you for the banner
  • The links you want me to put on the show note page
  • Anything you’d like me to mention about you

An example of a podcast banner:


Podcast Preparation